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Getting a Facial


Lift, tighten, smooth out lines and wrinkles,  improve skin tone and texture with the worlds most advanced Ultrasound treatment - HIFU. 


No Needles! No Downtime! 


Book your in depth consultation today for your personalised treatment plan.

To help you get to know more about HIFU we've compiled a list of our most common client questions and answers.

How does it work?

HIFU treatment for the face works as a non-invasive facelift, to produce fresh, new collagen. The treatment itself doesn’t involve any creams, fillers or toxins.


It works by using ultrasonic energy in combination with heat. The ultrasonic energy and heat bypass the surface of the skin, to deliver targeted energy specifically into the deep, structural tissues and muscles of the skin.


It is adjustable to target the upper dermis, lower dermis and most importantly, the SMAS layer that sits between the muscle and the fat, which is more difficult to reach with other modalities like lasers, radio frequency and other cosmetic procedures,  and is the actual area a plastic or cosmetic surgeon would pull and tighten under the knife.


This gives us the flexibility for treating any layer based on the patient’s condition and especially useful in dealing with patients of differing facial tissue thickness and textural quality.


HIFU targets these layers without any surgical incisions, giving the patient a no-downtime facelift.


This means you can gain excellent results without any risks associated with surgery.


Treatments are fast and results are seen immediately! This is why the HIFU treatment is known as the ‘lunch time face lift’.​


This results in a tightening effect of the tissues from the inside out.


It tightens the skin, irons out wrinkles, shrinks pores, targets the ‘V’ line formation and jowl lines. It also improves the overall skin tone, brightness and elasticity.


The results are simply AMAZING!


What areas can be treated?

HIFU treatments at the Skin Agencie for the face include:

 Forehead & Frown Lines

Eye and mouth area

Eyebrows, crow’s feet & hooded eye lids

Cheeks, sagging neck & double chins





We use the most advanced TGA listed HIFU technology, including a pen applicator, which is optimised to target the facial curves and narrow areas such as T-zone, forehead, under eyes and around the mouth, where a standard HIFU cartridge is unable to accurately treat.


HIFU is so versatile it can also be used to contour parts of your body, by eliminating stubborn fat, helping you to lose fat and improve body shape whilst tightening and lifting the skin.


Why choose the Skin Agencie for your HIFU treatment in Melbourne?

Here at the Skin Agencie, we have a unique approach to our HIFU treatment packages, which has helped us achieve the amazing results for our guests.


Did you know that inflammation accelerates the ageing process in skin? 


Did you know that a compromised skin barrier causes premature ageing and a variety of skin conditions?


Longer lasting results are related not only to the quality of the equipment and the expertise of your therapist, but to  good skin health.


Makes sense doesn’t it.


But how would you know what the health of your skin looks like and what can you do about it?  


This is where science comes in. 


Prior to having your treatment package with us, we perform a full face skin analysis with our advanced skin camera. This helps us to see how healthy your skin is and how you can best maintain healthy skin after your treatment. This is so important to longer lasting results.

We then treat your skin in a unique way by using advanced techniques and a combination of cartridges and a specialist pen device, which we use to get in very close to the sensitive areas around the eyes and mouth.


If you are NOT being treated with a pen device, you are NOT receiving a True Full Face HIFU! 

It’s the perfect combination of high end technology, techniques and service from a personalised skin health approach, that is unique in Melbourne. 

I know someone who has had HIFU but did not get any results? Why?

Getting optimal results for clients is a combination of using the highest quality equipment, together with the most advanced techniques and a focus on your long term skin health.  


Which is why we provide every client with recommendations on how to care for your skin health. 


We have also invested heavily in our technology and training, which we continually update.  Our equipment is the most advanced equipment available, and is TGA registered ( ARTG  no 355280 ).


Training in advanced techniques are not readily available to most clinics in Australia. Advanced training and techniques are not available from overseas suppliers, who only provide zoom based training.  Coupled with the use of lower grade equipment, will lead to inferior results, disappointed clients and carry a higher risk of injury. 


When researching a clinic for your HIFU treatment, you should consider the following :


  • Are they using TGA listed equipment and can provide a ARTG number?

  • Do they have extensive reviews and testimonials?

  • Do they have extensive client before and afters, not just a set of supplier provided before and afters?

  • Visit the clinic in person for a consultation. You can ask to see the equipment and gain an understanding of how experienced the staff really area. 

  • Is the clinic only using cartridges to treat your full face and does not use any other specialist equipment to treat the sensitive areas around the eyes and mouth?  


If the clinic you are considering is offering cut price treatments, with no customer care, no genuine client before and afters and reviews OR  is only focussed on their equipment but cannot prove they are TGA listed, and are diverting you away from the other key areas, then the offer may be too good to be true and you should consider other clinics. 

Is your equipment 3D, 4D, 5D, 7D or 10d  HIFU?

There has been a growing trend amongst clinics and some suppliers to  name their HIFU equipment 3D, 4D, 5D and now 7D has become popular.  


4D HIFU has been a popular term for a number of years, but recently clinics and suppliers are advertising 5D HIFU and now 7D HIFU.   In the future, 8D, 9D, 10D and so on, will come up. 


For a consumer, it's so hard to make the right choice. 


The fact is, HIFU ultrasound technology has NOT changed in over 50 years, and these terms, 4D, 5D, 7D etc, are marketing terms. 


For example, the 7D HIFU equipment ( sourced from China ) that is being marketed currently, is simply a HIFU machine with 7 different cartridge handles. Many 5D HIFU marketed machines are simply 4 handle HIFU cartridges and a vaginal rejuvenation handle.  


For the consumer, it's very difficult to spot the difference, and know what's right and safe to be treated with. 


If you are unsure, we recommend to always ask for the devices TGA listing from the clinic.  This gives you confidence the clinic, has at a minimum, invested in equipment that passes specific quality controls and has had at least base level training from an Australian supplier/reseller. 

How is the HIFU treatment applied?

The ultrasound energy that is used to stimulate new collagen in the skin is applied using specially shaped handles. The handle is placed on the skin, and pulses of energy are fired beneath the skin.  Traditionally, the main handle that is been used widely by clinics is a rectangular shaped handle which shoots dots of ultrasound energy in lines of various widths and lengths. 


The rectangle ( also known as a cartridge ) handle , however, has limitations inherent in its shape and cannot easily reach and treat sensitive areas, for example around the eyes and mouth.  To solve this limitation, we make use of more accurately shaped handles to treat these sensitive areas, which leads to a greater accuracy of the treatment area.  

I hear it's painful. Is this true?

When HIFU is applied to your treatment area, there may be times where you may feel a little discomfort.


The sensation is akin to a small bee sting. Most people are comfortable with this and a few may experience some slight discomfort. This only lasts whilst the treatment is applied and only on certain techniques which are used to help tighten and firm the skin. 


HIFU uses heat and sound energy to perform its magic.  So we need sufficient amounts of energy for optimal results.  It does not matter what device is used, this is the nature of the treatment and modality, it requires heat to create a wound healing response. 


When researching a clinic for your needs, take caution with clinics who claim HIFU is a "pain free" treatment. HIFU can be a completely discomfort free treatment, which means there is less energy used and less chance of a optimal result. In this Multiple treatments will be required to obtain a result ( if any ), which may lead to customer dissatisfaction due to misleading or exaggerated marketing statements. 


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